Control valve refurbishment

Control valve refurbishment 

SubC undertook a meticulous control valve job for a valued client, showcasing our expertise in valve refurbishment and optimization. The valve arrived at our workshop in Esbjerg, signaling the beginning of a thorough process.

Upon initial inspection, the valve and actuator underwent full operational tests, checking open and closed positions with satisfactory results. Further scrutiny of the actuator and controls confirmed their optimal condition.

Internally, our team observed the following:

Plug: Badly scored and contaminated with metal fragments, necessitating renewal
Cage: Severely scored, requiring renewal
Cage mounted in body: Contaminated and dirty
Seat: Scored and contaminated, calling for renewal

Valve ends and bore were meticulously cleaned and inspected, meeting satisfactory standards.

The valve underwent a final test using test flanges, meeting prescribed pressure and duration criteria with satisfactory results. This project exemplifies SubC's commitment to delivering excellence in valve refurbishment, ensuring the optimal performance and reliability of critical industrial components.