A crawler that makes work in the splash zone and subsea easier and safer
...without personnel
Don't let the weather control you
Working in the splash zone on offshore installations presents a unique set of challenges. In the splash zone, waves and structure-induced currents are constantly occurring, making it a naturally difficult area to work in. The difficulties presented in this environment can often make it too dangerous for work using traditional methods, such as rope access and diving.
To solve the bulk of these issues, we have developed The Robotic Crawler system which allows access to the structure without having personnel in the splash zone, and also enables work in the splash zone during much rougher conditions than previously possible through the traditional methods.
The Robotic Crawler system can hook on to the structure and safely travel to the required position where it can perform the required work. Once in position, the tool package is activated, and the job is carried out from a stable platform even with waves flooding the unit every few seconds. This represents a paradigm shift for working in the splash zone on offshore installations.
In other words, the Robotic Crawler is designed to be remotely controlled to keep personnel much safer above the dangerous work area.
A customer perspective of The Robotic Crawler:
All its applications and possibilities
in and above the splash zone as well as subsea:
We offer
Safe operations in the splash zone
In-house subsea expertise
Containers houses IT backbone for documentation and analysis
The system requires a minimum of resources and space on the platform and the remote controls allow for operation in a safe position and without the need for a support vessel. We believe this can solve all challenges that currently is solved using rope access or divers.
The Robotic Crawler is designed based on our extensive ROV experience. It is capable of supplying both control signals, electrical power, and hydraulic power to the tool interface. It may also be equipped with guides and containers for additional storage or safety.
By eliminating the need for a diving vessel, the Robotic Crawler system safely completes many activities while saving millions. Further, the system also reduces costs because it does not depend on good weather and calm seas. Rope access and diver campaigns strongly depend on good weather and calm seas, which require a great deal of preparation involving a lot of resources. Before the Robotic Crawler, work in the splash zone was only carried out when waves were no higher than half a meter, which is (in gentle words) a rarity in the North Sea. The Robotic Crawler work in 2,5 metres high waves and what is more, it can operate night and day – all time of the year. It makes plans more robust.