The Bearing
Blocks Campaign
SubC completed the Bearing Blocks Campaign (phase 1) for Tyra Redevelopment - 2 weeks prior to the planned schedule.
The Tyra East and Tyra West platform facilities are suffering from seabed subsidence. New topsides facilities will, therefore, be installed at higher elevations in order to continue production.
In that connection, SubC's work included the removal of obsoleted facilities above water (topsides), with fabrication and installation of 16 bearing blocks on TEA and 4 bearing blocks on TWA. These lifting points are installed at all legs for both platforms and will be used for the topsides single-lift removal by Allseas’ heavy lift vessel Pioneering Spirit.
For the fabrication and installation phase, a total of +10.000 hours has been executed:
- without any recordable incidents
- without any spills
- and without any HIPO’s
Prior to the fabrication and installation phase, SubC is responsible for the preparation, including project management and engineering.
The first phase of the project has been performed in 2019, and this was finalized two weeks prior to the planned schedule. The second phase of the project is initiated and will be finished mid-2020.