Sea fastening of transition pieces
The project
The project included us to provide our expertise in creative solutions for sea fastening. In addition to delivering NDT report and necessary materials needed for port calls at the port of Esbjerg – on short notice.
We assembled an expert welding team to weld grillages for sea fastening of Transition Pieces for the vessel Jumbo Javelin.
From the customer:
"SubC Partner have performed exceptionally well under pressure (as there was a very short delivery time) whilst maintaining a high level of welding quality.
SubC Partner have proved their hands-on mentality as they were able to react swiftly to queries and subsequently provide the necessary resources to start and finish the works well within time.
SubC Partner have been able to provide various types of materials with various levels of required preparation/ machining on short notice.
SubC Partner have also proved to be a consulting ‘Partner’ by advising on best, practical and commonly used methods of installation.
JUMBO would therefore recommend SubC Partner to any company in need of rapid production, fabrication and installation facilities with the highest standards of welding."